Fire and Emergency Services Exploring is a community service, career-oriented program designed to educate young men and women, ages 14-20, about Fire and Emergency Services.
Exploring provides an opportunity for New York City’s young adults to gain insight into the various careers within the fields of fire and emergency services and helps develop a road map for their future. Explorers are taught the importance of higher education, self-discipline in reaching their goals, and are encouraged to see fire and emergency services as an attainable and attractive career choice.
Exploring relies on three primary methods to attain its goals: youth leadership, positive adult role models, and five experience areas.
Youth Leadership.
- The Explorers elect their own officers as well as plan and execute most of their program activities. This encourages Explorers to see how their self-discipline can help or hurt the group.
Positive Adult Role Models.
- The positive interaction of Explorers and Fire and Emergency Service Officials helps young adults grow and develop.
Experience Five Areas.
- Exploring feels that an appreciation and commitment to the following areas is crucial to the development of all young people: Career, Life Skills, Service Learning, Character Education, and Leadership Experience.
- Also, Fire and Emergency Services also provides experience in the five popular careers most undertake: Fire Fighters, Paramedics, Emergency Technicians, Ambulance Corps, Search & Rescue Services, Forest Fire Fighters.
Follow this link for a valuable pamphlet of information:
Fire/Emergency Services informational brochure